Tips for Handling Chronic Thigh Pain

Many of the people seeking out pain management doctors in Raritan NJ have chronic thigh pain. This type of chronic pain can come from many different conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, injury, and so on. Below, the folks from Performance Pain have prepared some tips for helping you handle your chronic thigh pain.

1. Use Ice & Heat Packs

Hot packs and ice packs are a great way to fight problems that can come along with chronic pain. Hot packs help to increase your blood flow and restore movement to any injured tissues. Ice packs, on the other hand, will be very helpful for you while you are trying to fight inflammation or simply get some relief.

2. Keep Your Weight Off of it! 

Although you may not be able to completely stay off your legs all day, this is one of the steps that you can take to ensure that the body can heal itself. If you put a strain on the thigh area, you can sometimes make things worse.

3. Lose Some Extra Weight

Since chronic pain is taking place on your legs, being overweight will often only make things worse. Therefore, try to lose some extra weight, if possible, during this time. This will help kickstart the healing process.

4. Determine the Cause

If you are unsure of what is causing your chronic thigh pain, then you should probably go in and see a doctor. This is the only way that you will be able to get some clarity on what is going on. Without a proper diagnosis, it will only be a guessing game for you to try and treat the condition at home.

5. Get a Pain Intervention

If you have chronic thigh pain that has been lingering around for longer than 12 weeks, then you now have a form of chronic pain. Once you reach this point, getting a pain intervention is usually the best course of action.

Ready to Get a Pain Intervention for Chronic Thigh Pain? 

If you need a pain intervention treatment Raritan NJ, then be sure to consider Performance Pain as one of your top options. Visit our website today to learn more about us and how to get in contact with us. As a first-time client, you will be entitled to a free consultation that includes a proper diagnosis!

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Tips for Avoiding Injury While Playing Sports

Many of the people that want to find a nice pain management doctors near me are athletes that need to recover fast and get back on the field for their next game. By this point, though, they are often told that they will need to sit out the whole season and rest. For this reason, we need to look at some tips for avoiding injury prepared by the pain specialists over at Performance Pain.

1. Remember that One Injury Can Ruin A Lot 

If you get injured, it can often be a huge turning point for you and your career as an athlete. In some cases, it can even ruin your entire career as an athlete or change it forever. Therefore, it’s important to keep this in mind at all times when you are engaging in a sport. Especially ones that are very physical.

2. Use All Proper Protective Gear 

If you are playing a contact sport like football, many players will opt out of wearing things like knee pads, cups, thigh pads, and so on. This can be one of the riskiest things you can do as an athlete. Although 99 times out of 100 you won’t ever run into injuries, the one instance where it does can ruin your career.

3. Do Proper Warm-Ups 

If you don’t do proper warm-ups before you start engaging full force in your favorite contact sport, then you are putting yourself at a much greater risk then you need to be. Many people who pull or strain muscles, tendons, ligaments, and so on, could have avoided these things by simply doing the proper warm-ups.

4. Stretch Before and After

If you are serious about playing sports, stretching is something that you need to be doing regularly. Doing this can help you become more flexible, as well as lengthen up your muscles and make them stronger.

5. Get Physical Check-Ups Before Each Season 

Sometimes, people are not aware that they have a particular injury or problem until a doctor notices it during a check-up. Many school jurisdictions require student-athletes to get physical check-ups before each season for this reason.

Need Some Help Recovering from an Injury? 

If you have recently gone through an injury of some sort and would like to find a low back pain doctor near your home, then be sure to check out Performance Pain. With various locations around the USA, there might be one near your home. They can also help you become the best athlete possible with one of their sports performance programs after you heal up from your injury!

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Tips for Doing Physical Therapy on Chronic Pain

Many of the people seeking sciatica treatment doctors Hamilton NJ will end up needing to do some physical therapy. If you are new to physical therapy, though, this might be a pretty stressful thing for you to anticipate. Below, we have some tips for you to reference while preparing physical therapy for your chronic pain.

1. Know this is Not an Overnight Process

Getting physical therapy is not something that you can do overnight. Realistically, this might be something that you will be doing for several weeks and months. The whole point of physical therapy is to naturally build up your body’s strength and promote its natural means of healing without surgery.

2. Be Patient with Your Physical Therapist

Your physical therapist will have years of background experience and is likely very good at what they do. However, they will probably need to ask lots of questions, check-in with you a lot, and so on. Know that there will be times where you just will need to be patient and listen to them and respond to questions to get the results you want in the long-term.

3. Know That You Might Need Additional Forms of Healing

In addition to physical therapy, it is common for those with severe forms of chronic pain to need other forms of natural healing in addition to simple procedures, diet changes, lifestyle changes, and so on.

4. Be Ready for Mistakes

Even if you think you know what to expect, there are sometimes problems throughout the process. Know that physical therapists are not gods and that mistakes are possible. Know that this might be because your condition might not be healing as easily as somebody else that they previously were doing therapy for.

5. Do Your Homework

If you go into see one of the best neck pain doctors Chesterfield NJ for physical therapy, there is some homework that you will need to do. This might include changing your diet, doing some minor physical therapy routines on your own, and so on. Make sure to follow the advice of your physical therapist.

Still Looking for a Physical Therapist?

If you want to find a pain clinic that can include things like physical therapy and stem cell therapy in Trenton NJ, then be sure to consider Performance Pain. This is a high-quality pain clinic that can include physical therapy, massage therapy, wellness programs, non-invasive procedures, and so on.

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Chronic Pain Conditions that Can Benefit from Stem Cell Therapy

If you have chronic pain, one of the treatments that you might be considering is stem cell therapy. This form of treatment has come a long way since it was first discovered. Today, it is one of the common forms of treatment for chronic pain. Let’s go ahead and break down some of the common instances where you might choose to pursue stem cell therapy.

1. For Back Pain

One of the reasons to see a back pain doctor Edgewater NJ is because you have back pain that doesn’t quite seem to go away. Depending on the nature and source of your back pain, this may or may not be a good choice. For this reason, you should consult with a pain doctor first about whether or not this is a good option.

2. Knee Pain

If you need knee pain treatment Bordentown NJ, then stem cell treatment might be one of the ideas that are presented to you. This type of pain can be very difficult to deal with since it impacts almost any sort of daily activity that you will do. Stem cell therapy has helped many people with chronic knee pain in the past.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common reasons that people will get stem cell therapy. This is a condition where one or more of your joints become decayed and swell up. Stem cells are a great way to regenerate the broken and damaged tissue causing your pain.

4. Pulled Tendons & Muscles

Pulling tendons and muscles will normally be able to heal on their own. However, stem cell therapy is a very common treatment for those who have pulled tendons and muscles that are not recovering as expected. The stem cells will replace the damaged and destroyed cells in your tendons and muscles.

5. Injured Nerves

Having injured nerves can cause the sufferer to feel numb, weak, and so on. Although nerve damage will often go away on its own, there are also instances where it doesn’t go away entirely. Stem cell therapy is a great way to help get this condition under control.

Considering Stem Cell Therapy Sometime Soon?

If you want to get stem cell therapy in Bordentown NJ, then consider coming in to see us here at Performance Pain. We can help you determine what is causing your chronic pain and advise as to whether or not stem cell therapy is the best choice during your initial free consultation.

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How Chronic Pain Impacts Your Social Life

If you are considering seeing a pain management doctor Raritan NJ then you might have chronic pain that is impacting your social life. If this is the case, then there has not been a better time to start to get your pain under control. Let’s take a look at how chronic pain can impact your social life.

1. You Go Out Less

When people come into our pain clinic Raritan NJ, one of the complaints that they will have is that they are going out and seeing their friends a lot less than they did previously. This is normal since you are probably more concerned with nursing your pain than being social.

2. Your Thoughts Aren’t as Positive

It is very common for those with chronic pain to constantly be thinking about their pain. When this occurs, you will naturally be focusing your thoughts away from less positive things. If you didn’t have chronic pain in the first place you could then focus your attention on better things.

3. You Need Help from Others

Those with severe forms of chronic pain will often need the assistance of others while they are out engaging with people and being more social. If you find yourself constantly seeking help from others because of your pain, then it might be time to see a pain doctor.

4. Higher Levels of Anxiety

If you have chronic pain, one of the common symptoms for you to deal with is high levels of anxiety. If you are constantly anxious and stressed out while in social situations, your pain might be the culprit.

5. You Are Less Reliable

Spurring from complications from being less available, you often become less reliable while you are dealing with chronic pain. This is often not your fault as you are so concerned with your pain that you can forget your daily commitments. Generally, this is a pretty good sign that you should come in for a pain intervention to get the situation under more control.

Ready to Start Getting Chronic Pain Under Control?

If you want to come into a pain center Raritan NJ, then you might be dealing with chronic pain that you just can’t handle anymore. If it is starting to have serious impacts on your social life, then you should get the problem under control fast. Come into Performance Pain to get a pain intervention so that your social life can start to return to normal.

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Simple Tips for Keeping Mental Health with Chronic Pain

People trying to find pain intervention doctor Bordentown NJ often will need to take care of their mental health to best treat their chronic pain. However, there are also certain techniques that you can use for keeping our mental strength during these times.

1. Try Meditation

Meditation is a great way to learn how to control your thoughts. It has also been demonstrated to make the intensity of pain subside for certain patients. Meditation works essentially by reducing your level of stress, that in turn, can make your overall level of pain much more bearable. This is also a great hobby to get in the practice for the future to help you control stress and anxiety.

2. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a great way to both do meditation and treatment in one swipe. Yoga has also been demonstrated to help with chronic pain conditions like scoliosis. If you have chronic back pain, then, this is a great idea to consider.

3. Distract Yourself During Pain Breakouts

If you have a huge pain breakout, then try to distract yourself in the best way you know. For some people, it is through a movie. Others will put on some relaxing music and lie down. Instead of letting yourself fall into thoughts of your pain, distract yourself so that you can instead focus on something more positive.

4. Be Around Fun People

If you are around people who are fun to talk to, those that make you laugh, and so on, you will naturally be in a better mental state while dealing with chronic pain. If you have a spouse, give him/her a call whenever your pain starts to break out and be unbearable. The idea here is that you find an easy way to keep your mind off of the pain.

5. Visit a Pain Doctor

If you want to see a back pain doctor Bordentown NJ, then you will set yourself up to both be on the path towards healing as well as getting the peace of mind that you need to keep your mental health. Visiting a pain doctor is a great way to protect your mental health for the present a future, as well as fix the problem.

Ready to Get Help for Chronic Pain?

If you want to find some of the pain management doctors near me, then you will have many options to consider. One of the pain clinics that you will need to check out is Performance Pain. With free consultations and the ability to handle all forms of chronic pain, this is a great place to go if you want to start taking action on your chronic pain.

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Tips for Handling Acute Pain at Home

People trying to find a great low back pain doctor near themselves are often only suffering from acute pain that can be managed at home. The good news is that you should be able to avoid major treatments if you take proper steps from home. Below, the folks from Performance Pain have some tips for you to consider while treating your acute pain from home.

1. Rest the Affected Body Part

The first thing that you will need to do while treating your acute pain is to not use the affected body part as much as possible. If your ankle is where the pain is coming from, then stay off it for a while! If you work your injured body part too much, then you will only contribute to potentially making things worse.

2. Use Ice for Inflammation

One of the best ways to control inflammation from acute pain is to use ice. If your affected area is experiencing high levels of inflammation, try to ice it for 15-20 minutes two to three times a day.

3. Monitor Progress

As you are staying off the affected area, you are letting it heal on its own. During this time, be sure to monitor the progress and ensure that it is getting better. If you don’t notice quick results, then you might have a chronic pain condition that needs professional help!

4. Search Your Symptoms Online

Before you go and see a doctor, one of the things that you should consider doing is trying to figure out what is going on by yourself. To do this, you should search for your symptoms online. This might also give you some better insight as to what is going on and how to treat yourself.

5. Seek Out Help When Needed

If you find yourself not knowing how to handle the issue, and you have waited a long period of time longer than 12 weeks you should consider seeking out help. There are pain doctors like the ones at Performance Pain that can help you naturally get your pain in check without resorting to surgery or pain medication!

Think You Need Professional Help for Your Pain?

If you have started searching around for pain management doctors near me then be sure to check out Performance Pain. We have free consultations for first-time clients and can help you recover from all sorts of pain. In most cases, we help our patients avoid surgery.

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Instances When Surgery for Chronic Pain is Particularly Risky

People trying to find pain management doctors in Raritan NJ are often trying to get a quick-fix for their chronic pain. Many times, the answer to their problems is surgery. However, surgery is a dangerous endeavor to consider. Below, the folks from Performance Pain have prepared some of the top instances when surgery for chronic pain can be risky.

1. Spine Surgery

Your spine is one of the most important parts of your party and protects your spinal cord. Although having chronic pain in this part of your body can be particularly difficult to experience, the risks of a failed surgery can be even more difficult for you in the long run! If you get spine surgery, make sure to do this with the best surgeon you can find to minimize risks.

2. Young/Elderly Individuals

Young children and elderly folks are two of the most vulnerable candidates for surgery. These people are more vulnerable in general, and often should avoid surgery at all costs. If you have chronic pain in either of these age groups, you might be a better candidate for holistic methods of healing. These can include things like physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, wellness programs, non-invasive procedures, and so on!

3. If Previous Surgeries Were Unsuccessful

Although doctors and the field of medicine have come a long way, it’s important to know that there are still advancements to be made. Keeping this in mind, remember that surgeons do fail. If one surgeon previously was unable to fix the problem you are facing, then another one might also fail.

Remember that All Surgeries Have Risks!

In the field of medicine, there is no such thing as risk-free surgery. Even if the risk of problems developing is very minimal, it will still be there. Therefore, make sure to carefully consider all other options possible before thinking of getting surgery. Surgery is a risky business where people can even die from complications.

Think You Might Need a Pain Intervention?

If you want to get a pain intervention treatment Raritan NJ then come in and see us here at Performance Pain for a free consultation. In addition to giving first-time visitors a free consultation, we also help our clients to avoid surgery and heavy pain medications at all costs.

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How to Handle Pain at Home Without Pain Medication

People trying to low back pain doctor near their home are often wanting to avoid heavy pain medication like opioids for a variety of reasons. Here at Performance Pain, we completely understand your concern as we also avoid giving pain medications to our clients! Here are some ideas for treating pain without pain medication.

1. Get Out & Exercise

One of the first things that you need to be doing while suffering from pain is to continue healthy exercise habits. This can be easy to skip for many people as they might see the injury as an excuse to stop exercise. If you need to adjust your routine, then do so. But do not stop exercising!

2. Yoga and/or Meditation

Yoga is great for helping the treatment of many different types of chronic pain. At the same time, meditation can be paired along with yoga easily to help control your negative thoughts.

3. Watch Your Diet

Many foods can contribute to higher levels of inflammation. Foods high in trans fats, for example, have been known to cause inflammation. While healing, try to eat as healthily as possible. Avoid unhealthy foods and make sure that your body is getting all the necessary vitamins that it needs.

4. Ice Inflammation

If you are suffering from trauma, then be sure that treat the inflamed area with ice daily. However, the idea is to not overdo things. Using ice for 15 – 20 minutes a few times a day is usually enough. Be sure to consult a medical professional if you don’t think this is helping, though!

5. Get a Proper Diagnosis!

If you want to avoid pain medication as much as possible, then you should ensure that you know what is going on. If you haven’t already been the doctor for a professional diagnosis, be sure to do this! At the minimum, this will give you a better idea of what the problem is and how you can continue treating it without pain medications.

Need Help Treating Your Pain?

If you have started seeking out pain management doctors near me, then be sure to check out Performance Pain. This is a professional pain clinic that can treat all forms of acute and chronic pain. We also have free consultations so that you can get a diagnosis without paying a dime!

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What is Your Lower Back Pain Telling You About Other Conditions You May Have?

Individuals searching for Performance Pain low back pain treatment in Hamilton NJ may need to consider their lower back pain could be an indicator of a more serious health issue. Lower back pain is a common symptom of several other medical conditions including Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Diabetic Neuropathy, and Inflammatory Arthritis. Here is a closer look at three of these medical conditions that you should be aware of if you experience chronic lower back pain.

1. Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the space around your spine that puts increased pressure on the nerve endings. Some other symptoms of Spinal Stenosis other than lower backpain include cramping in the legs, heavy feeling in the legs, and increased pain when walking downhill. If you feel you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to mention them to your Performance Pain specialist.

2. Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease is a serious condition that is a result of built-up plaque in the blood vessels leading to your arms and legs. Symptoms include lower back pain, but also if pain increases as you walk uphill rather than downhill like with Spinal Stenosis, then this is an important indicator of Peripheral Arterial Disease.

3. Inflammatory Arthritis

If you are experiencing lower back pain and looking for pain management doctors near me, you should ask a Performance Pain specialist about Inflammatory Arthritis. Lower back pain injunction with pain in other joints of your body, including the knees, feet, or hands, is an indicator that Inflammatory Arthritis may be present. When your immune system confuses healthy cells for harmful ones, an inflammatory response kicks in that can leave you feeling stiff and sore.

Need to Find a Chronic Pain Specialist?

Again, it is important to consider if you are having chronic pain and you are looking for a Performance Pain stem cell therapy in Trenton NJ it might be a sign of a more severe medical issue. Pain is the way of our body telling us that something is wrong and we must listen to our bodies. When seeing a Performance Pain professional, be sure to ask about other conditions such as Spinal Stenosis, Peripheral Arterial Disease, and Inflammatory Arthritis.

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